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CS Instruments LD 500/510 - Air & Gas Leak detector with camera

Leak detector with a camera – indicates leakage rate in [l/min or cfm] and costs in country currency [ e.g. $ / year]
Part Number: LD 500/510
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Reduce your energy costs by fixing compressed air leaks and increase your profitability and sustainability with the help of the perfect interaction between the LD 500/510 and the associated software "CS Leak Reporter."

Special Features 

  • Find the smallest leaks even at great distances
  • Find out your leakage size (l/min or cfm) and potential saving (currency/ year)
  • Automatic laser distance measurement for a more reliable cost calculation
  • Auto level: adapts the sensitivity automatically to the environment and eliminates the background noise reliably (0 dB to 120 dB bandwidth)
  • Photograph leaking parts
  • Describe each leak and the necessary actions via the built-in touchscreen
  • Transmit the leak details via USB to your desktop software
  • Create an ISO 50001 report
  • Seek the leak the whole day (9 hours battery life)
  • Additional sensor input for CS Instruments and 3rd party sensors (LD 510 only)
  • The LD 500 leak detector measures the ultrasound generated by compressed air, steam, gas, and vacuum leaks, as well as partial discharge on insulators, transformers, switchgear, high-voltage lines (corona effect). Ultrasound, which is inaudible to the human ear, is amplified and mixed into the audible sound frequency range by the LD 500. This enables you to precisely locate the compressed air leak (ultrasonic source) via the headphones and the camera image, even in noisy environments.

Leak detector with camera – indicates leakage rate in l/min and costs in €

Advanced and adjustable sensitivity

With its advanced sensor technology, the leak detector can locate even the smallest leaks (0.1 l/min or 0,003 cfm, equivalent to approx. 1$ p.a.) at great distances with ease. Simultaneously, it is possible to adjust the sensitivity range of the LD 500 either automatically or manually in order to locate leaks more easily, even during the production facilities' operation.

Professional data management

After a successful leak detection you can save a picture of the leak with the integrated camera and store all the necessary information about the leak via the built-in touchscreen on the device, directly at leak location. This includes all relevant information required for the leak repair.

Processing the leakage data and automatic reporting

After being done with the leak survey, all data can be exported via a USB stick and imported into the CS Leak Reporter software. With the CS Leak Reporter software's help, individual leaks can be prioritized according to size and resulting costs. All essential leakage data will be managed through the software on the computer.

Afterward, with just a few clicks, automatic leakage reports (PDF, CSV) can be generated showing all important information about each leak found during the survey. A sample report can be downloaded on this page under "Downloads."

Part 1: Which sensor should be used to locate compressed air leaks?

The video shown here illustrates the following:
• Standard set and accessories
• Structure of the LD 500 ultrasonic leak detector
• Removing the sensor and connecting the spiral cable
• Searching compressed air leaks using the trumpet
• Use: measuring tip, gooseneck and parabolic mirror

Part 2: Locating leaks with the LD 500 (ultrasonic leak detector)

The video shown here illustrates the following:
• Configuration of the device (parameterization and measuring point)
• Explanation of the user interface
• Localization of a compressed air leakage (real application)
• Storage of the leakage data
• Validation of the leak elimination

Part 3: Documentation of compressed air leaks using the CS leak reporter software

The video shown here illustrates the following:
• Import of compressed air leaks from the LD 500 into the CS Leak Reporter software
• Editing of companies and project master data
• Processing of compressed air leaks
• Generate automatic compressed air leakage reports

CS Leak Reporter V2 (Desktop version)

After you have imported the leakage data documented with the LD 500 or LD 510 into the "CS Leak Reporter V2" desktop software, you can create automated leakage reports on your computer with just a few clicks. This saves you a lot of time and effort instead of manually noting, sorting, and visualizing the data. This saves you a lot of time since there is no need to manually note, sort and visualize the data.


  • Paperless documentation according to ISO 50001 
  • More user-friendly interface
  • lmproved guidance through instructions in the software
  • More comfortable data import from the LD 500
  • Project data set in the LD 500 is also imported into the software
  • Create your own database of measure, leaking elements and spare parts and import them to the LD 500

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CS Leak Reporter Cloud Solution 

The CS Leak Reporter Cloud Solution combines the functionalities of the CS Leak Reporter V2 with a browser-based cloud system.

Additional features:

  • Ideal for service providers in the field of leak detection as well as companies with multiple locations
  • One central database for all users
  • Data access independent from location and hardware
  • lncreased data security through automatic backup in the cloud
  • User and role management to give different rights and data access to different persons
  • No installation required - Login with email and password
  • No IT support needed

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Reduce your energy costs by fixing compressed air leaks and increase your profitability and sustainability with the help of the perfect interaction between the LD 500/510 and the associated software "CS Leak Reporter."

Special Features 

  • Find the smallest leaks even at great distances
  • Find out your leakage size (l/min or cfm) and potential saving (currency/ year)
  • Automatic laser distance measurement for a more reliable cost calculation
  • Auto level: adapts the sensitivity automatically to the environment and eliminates the background noise reliably (0 dB to 120 dB bandwidth)
  • Photograph leaking parts
  • Describe each leak and the necessary actions via the built-in touchscreen
  • Transmit the leak details via USB to your desktop software
  • Create an ISO 50001 report
  • Seek the leak the whole day (9 hours battery life)
  • Additional sensor input for CS Instruments and 3rd party sensors (LD 510 only)
  • The LD 500 leak detector measures the ultrasound generated by compressed air, steam, gas, and vacuum leaks, as well as partial discharge on insulators, transformers, switchgear, high-voltage lines (corona effect). Ultrasound, which is inaudible to the human ear, is amplified and mixed into the audible sound frequency range by the LD 500. This enables you to precisely locate the compressed air leak (ultrasonic source) via the headphones and the camera image, even in noisy environments.

Leak detector with camera – indicates leakage rate in l/min and costs in €

Advanced and adjustable sensitivity

With its advanced sensor technology, the leak detector can locate even the smallest leaks (0.1 l/min or 0,003 cfm, equivalent to approx. 1$ p.a.) at great distances with ease. Simultaneously, it is possible to adjust the sensitivity range of the LD 500 either automatically or manually in order to locate leaks more easily, even during the production facilities' operation.

Professional data management

After a successful leak detection you can save a picture of the leak with the integrated camera and store all the necessary information about the leak via the built-in touchscreen on the device, directly at leak location. This includes all relevant information required for the leak repair.

Processing the leakage data and automatic reporting

After being done with the leak survey, all data can be exported via a USB stick and imported into the CS Leak Reporter software. With the CS Leak Reporter software's help, individual leaks can be prioritized according to size and resulting costs. All essential leakage data will be managed through the software on the computer.

Afterward, with just a few clicks, automatic leakage reports (PDF, CSV) can be generated showing all important information about each leak found during the survey. A sample report can be downloaded on this page under "Downloads."