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eze System

Monitor, control, automate and consolidate any type of remote industrial devices, equipment & systems. From connecting sensors to automating applications.

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pH Monitoring & Control Kit

The pHionics D-pHi sensor series combined with eze System's monitoring and control solution provides a comprehensive solution for pH and ORP water process monitoring and control with 24/7 access via ezeio cloud software.
$0.00 (ex gst)

ezeio mkII - IIoT Monitoring and Control System

Monitor, control, automate and consolidate any type of remote industrial devices, equipment & systems. From connecting sensors to automating applications.
$1,523.00 (ex gst)

ezeio mkII I/O Expander Module

A multipurpose I/O expander which has freely configurable inputs & outputs which are 100% remotely managed through the ezeio mkII Hardware.
$709.00 (ex gst)

ezeio mkII Web-Based Energy Kit

Combining the powerful ezeio web based solution with a wattnode energy transducer and CT's to offer one of the best energy monitoring systems on the market.
$0.00 (ex gst)

ezeio Web-Based RTD PT100 Recording System

The ezeio web-based recording solution is modular and can record up to 90 Inputs per ezeio station. Ideal as a chart recorder replacement package.
$0.00 (ex gst)

ezeio Web-Based Thermocouple Recording System

The ezeio web-based recording solution is modular and can record up to 90 Thermocouples per station. Ideal as a chart recorder replacement package.
$0.00 (ex gst)
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