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Vibration Condition Monitoring

Condition Monitoring of moving machinery and bairings

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Hauber HE050 Series - Vibration Monitoring Sensor

Effective vibration monitoring with IO-Link
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Hauber HE100 Series - Vibration Monitoring Sensor

Hauber's HE100 series of Vibration Sensors are for condition monitoring of machinery bearings.
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Hauber HE200 Series - Vibration Sensors

Reliable monitoring of rotating machinery for vibration velocity and acceleration.
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Lowell MAT-1 Data Logger - tilt, acceleration, vibration and temperature

The MAT-1 Data Logger™ is a device that is capable of recording absolute orientation (tilt), acceleration (including vibration) and temperature.
from $2,374.00 (ex gst)

Monnit Industrial Accelerometer – Advanced Vibration Wireless Meter

The Industrial Wireless Advanced Vibration Meters use a tri-axis accelerometer and temperature sensor to monitor system vibration health. Capture data from machines, processes, and critical infrastructure. When excessive vibration, jarring harmonics, or abnormal motion detected, an alert is issued in real time via text, email, or call.
$1,013.00 (ex gst)

Monnit Enterprise Accelerometer – Advanced Vibration Wireless Meter

This sensor uses an accelerometer to capture g-force on all axes and then calculates vibration, frequency, and crest factor from that acceleration data.
$827.00 (ex gst)
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