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Moisture in Dry Air and Gas - Dew Point

Dewpoint meters, hygrometers and moisture analysers for industrial and commercial applications. Inline and portable solutions used for moisture (Dewpoint), Measurements in compressed air and gas.

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Shaw SDHmini & SDHmini-L - Portable Dewpoint Hygrometer

The Model SDHmini portable hygrometer sets new industry standards for dewpoint measurement.
from $7,200.00 (ex gst)

Shaw SDHmini-Ex - Portable Dewpoint Hygrometer

The Model SDHmini portable hygrometer sets new industry standards for dewpoint measurement. Intrinsically safe Model
$9,225.00 (ex gst)

Shaw SDHmini - Portable Sample System

Portable Sample System – designed for ideal sampling conditions of dew point measurement
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Shaw SADP - Moisture Meter

A portable hygrometer for rapid moisture checks or continuous use on flowing gas or air.
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Shaw AcuDew - Dewpoint Transmitter

A new, robust and reliable, 2 wire, 4-20 mA loop powered transmitter. Designed for the trace moisture measurement of process gases and dry compressed air.
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Shaw SDT-Ex - Dewpoint Transmitter

The Shaw Moisture Meters Model SDT-Ex is a compact, 3 wire, 4 – 20 mA dewpoint transmitter designed to meet the stringent demands of industrial applications.
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CS Instruments FA 510/515 - Dew point sensor for adsorption dryers (-80 to 20°C )

For residual moisture measurement in compressed air and gases from -80° to 20°Ctd
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CS Instruments FA 510/515 - Dew point sensor for refrigeration dryers (-20 to 50°C)

Dew point sensor from -20 to 50°Ctd for the typical use in refrigeration dryers
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CS Instruments DP500 - Portable Dew Point Meter with integrated data logger

The dew point meter DP 500 with data logger is the ideal portable service instrument for dew point measurement for all types of dryers down to -80°Ctd dew point.
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Shaw Superdew 3 - Hygrometer for Moisture in Dry Air and Gas

The SUPERDEW 3 Model from Shaw Moisture Meters is a single channel on-line hygrometer designed to measure dewpoint in process gases and compressed air.
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CS Instruments DS 400 Set - Stationary dew point measurement in compressed air systems

The DS 400 is used for stationary dew point monitoring of refrigeration and adsorption dryers. Touch screen graphics, relay and 4-20mA outputs.
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CS Instruments DS 400 - Mobile Chart Recorder

The DS400 Mobile chart recorder with integrated data logger and up to 4 sensors connectable for energy analysis, flow measurement, leakage calculation of compressed air systems
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CS Instruments FA 500 - Dew point sensor (-80°C to 20°C)

FA 500 is the ideal dew point sensor with integrated display and alarm relay for refrigeration, membrane and desiccant driers.
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CS Instruments DS 500 mobile - Chart Recorder

The DS500 Mobile is an intelligent mobile chart recorder for energy analysis, consumption measurement, and leakage calculation of compressed air systems
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CS Instruments DP 400 - Mobile Dew Point Measurement with Pressure Sensor

This portable dew point meter with integrated, rechargeable battery has been developed especially for field use.
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CS Instruments FA 550 - Dew Point Sensor

Robust dew point sensor for compressed air and gases in a die-cast aluminium housing
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CS Instruments FO 510 - Industrial Oil Moisture Sensor

The FO 510 accurately measures water activity and oil temperature and provides data via two 4-20 mA outputs and a Modbus RTU interface. Personalisation options are available through the service software. Trust FO 510 to streamline your industrial procedures and boost productivity.
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