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Jumbo Display Thermometer/Hygrometer

Displays the temperature and humidity together on the one huge LCD display. It also has a min / max function
Part Number: QM7312
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$54.00 ex GST
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Displays the temperature and humidity together on the one huge LCD display. It also has a min / max function (memory). Switch between C° and F°. Requires AAA battery

Temperature: -10° - 60°C (14° - 140°F)
Humidity: 10 - 99% ±-5%
Accuracy: ±-1°C, ±-1.8°F
Size: 110(H) x 100(W) x 22(D)mm.

Displays the temperature and humidity together on the one huge LCD display. It also has a min / max function (memory). Switch between C° and F°. Requires AAA battery

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