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Land UNO - Stand Alone Thermometers

A range of stand alone thermometers answering the needs of OEM's, plant designers and process operators for a rugged, low cost temperature sensor which will integrate directly into a 4 to 20mA measuring, monitoring or control loop.
Part Number: LAND-UNO
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A range of stand alone thermometers answering the needs of OEM's, plant designers and process operators for a rugged, low cost temperature sensor which will integrate directly into a 4 to 20mA measuring, monitoring or control loop.

Key Features

  • Range of standard through-the-lens sighting thermometers.
  • Range of fibroptic thermometers with optional laser targeting system.
  • Comprehensive range of thermometer mountings and accessories for complete environmental protection.
  • DIN-rail mounted power supply unit - DPU (optional).
  • LANDMARK Indicator LMi - digital panel meter (optional).


The UNO range of thermometers is designed to satisfy all OEM requirements and has a wide selection of infrared radiation thermometers available.

Each series of thermometers offers a choice of built-in time functions - peak picker or averager; and a range of temperature spans and operating wavebands to ensure optimum accuracy of measurement for the chosen industry and application.

The standard range of UNO thermometers feature precision through-the-lens sighting with focusable optics, which guarantees exact viewing and measurement of the smallest of target areas.

Adjustable emissivity/non-greyness compensation, peak picker and averager time functions are built-in as standard.

The thermometer provides a 4 to 20 mA linear output. Thermometer type, temperature range, spectral response and optical characteristics are chosen to suit the particular application.

Radiation Thermometers

The thermometers utilize proven reliable electronics combined with a high quality optical system to provide accurate, dependable temperature measurement.

They are housed in a rugged die cast body with a high quality electrical connector to provide reliable performance.

The single wavelength and ratio thermometers all feature throughthe-lens sighting with a 6° field of view. Adjustable focus with a circular graticule gives precise alignment on to the smallest of targets.

Two optical variants are available: Standard and Short-focus. Close focus lenses are also available permitting measurement of targets as small as 0.45mm/0.017in. Ask for separate leaflet for full information.

Fibroptic Thermometers

Fibroptic thermometers utilize a flexible fibre optics light guide enabling the detector and electronics enclosure to be located in a less hostile environment.

The fibroptic thermometers are available with an optional built-in laser targeting system which defines the target spot for accurate sighting.

The use of fibre optics permits viewing of normally inaccessible targets, where there are high magnetic fields or in high ambient temperatures up to 200°C/400°F without cooling of the optic head. There is a choice of three optic heads and three light guide lengths.

Peak Picker

The peak picker function is used when measuring the temperature of intermittent targets or where the hot target surface is obscured by cool areas such as scale on rolled steel.  The peak picker decay rate is adjustable from 1.5 to 30% of span per second.

The peak picker function can be reset from a remote switch connected to the DPU.


The averager function is used to smooth unwanted variations or rapidly fluctuating changes in the thermometer signal to maintain a valid temperature reading.

The averager time constant can be adjusted from 5ms (U1 and U2 thermometers) to 5 seconds to give a smooth temperature display.

Low Temperature (C): 50 High Temperature (C): 2600
Low Temperature (F): 122 High Temperature (F): 4712

Technical Details

Model Temp. Range Waveband FOV Min Target Dia*
Min Target Dia**
(with close-up lens)
U1 - General purpose, metals, glass, refractories.
U1 600/1600C
U1 1100/2900F
600 to 1600°C
1100 to 2900°F
1.0µm 100:1 3.5mm
U1 800/2600C
U1 1500/4700F
800 to 2600°C
1500 to 4700°F
1.0µm 200:1 1.8mm
U2 - General purpose, metals and glass processing.
U2 300/1100C
U2 600/2000F
300 to 1100°C
600 to 2000°F
1.6µm 100:1 3.5mm
U4 - Bright, oxidised or lightly oxidised metal surfaces.
U4 50/250C
U4 150/500F
50 to 250°C
150 to 500°F
2.4µm 30:1 11.7mm
U4 150/550C
U4 300/1000F
150 to 550°C
300 to 1000°F
2.4µm 100:1 3.5mm
U5 - Glass surface temperature measurement.
U5 400/1300C
U5 750/2400F
400 to 1300°C
750 to 2400°F
4.8 to 5.2µm 100:1 3.5mm
U5 1000/2500C
U5 1800/4500F
1000 to 2500 °C
1800 to 4500°F
4.8 to 5.2µm 100:1 3.5mm
V1 - Ratio thermometer, variable emissivity, obscuration of target, partially filled field of view.
V1 600/1600C
V1 1100/2900F
600 to 1600°C
1100 to 2900°F
0.85 to 1.1µm 50:1 7.0mm
V1 1000/2600C
V1 1800/4700F
1000 to 2600°C
1800 to 4700°F
0.85 to 1.1µm 200:1 1.8mm

* Standard variable and short focus versions available. ** Choice of close-up lenses available.

Model Temp. Range Waveband FOV Head Min. Target Dia.
U1 - General purpose, metals, glass, refractories.
U1 600/1600CL
U1 600/1600CYL
U1 1100/2900FL
U1 1100/2900FYL
600 to 1600°C

1100 to 2900°F
1.0µm 25:1 A10
U1 800/2600CL
U1 800/2600CYL
U1 1500/4700FL
U1 1500/4700FYL
800 to 2600°C

1500 to 4700°F
1.0µm 75:1 A10
U2 - General purpose, metals and glass processing.
U2 300/1100CL
U2 300/1100CYL
U2 600/2000FL
U2 600/2000FYL
300 to 1100°C

600 to 2000°F
1.6µm 25:1 A10
V1 - Ratio thermometer, variable emissivity, obscuration of target, partially filled field of view.
V1 600/1600CL
V1 600/1600CYL
V1 1100/2900FL
V1 1100/2900FYL
600 to 1600°C

1100 to 2900°F
0.85 to 1.1µm 25:1 A10
V1 1000/2600CL
V1 1000/2600CYL
V1 1800/4700FL
V1 1800/4700FYL
1000 to 2600°C

1800 to 4700°F
0.85 to 1.1µm 75:1 A10

Land Applications & Industries


LAND have supplied the Cement Industry and OEM's throughout the world with temperature measuring equipment for over 60 years. All their products are designed to the highest standards of quality and reliability to ensure accurate measurements under plant operating conditions for; kiln shell, rotary kiln product & burning zone and clinker system read more >>

Iron and Steel Making

Designed to operate in the harsh environments found in steel production, these instruments are designed to the highest performance standards, optimised for making temperature measurements at every important stage of the process including; Soaking Pit (Load Temperature), Coke Oven Flue, profile, burden & conveyor, Hot blast stove, main & furnace burden, liquid iron stream, torpedo car,  ladle pre heat, ladle and tapping learn more >>

Aluminium Extrusion

LAND offers a complete new integrated range of thermometer systems dedicated solely to aluminum temperature measurement. These instruments contain unique-to-Land design features which provide inherent measurement stability and reliability. In the aluminum extrusion industry, product quality and operating profitability rely on efficient press operation. Press efficiency is increased greatly with accurate, reliable temperature measurement at critical points in the process including; preheated die, billet profile , die exit & quench exit temperatures read more >>

Aluminium Rolling

The Land Aluminium Strip Thermometer system is specifically designed to provide the aluminium hot rolling industry with a solution to one of its most difficult problems - accurate and reproducible temperature measurement of bright, semi-finished hot alloy strips learn more >>

More Industry Applications

Land has supported the global industrial community for more than 70 years, supplying innovative, reliable products and solutions. They have a worldwide reputation as innovators and manufacturers of high-quality, precision thermometers and thermal imagers.

Land's monitors and analysers provide industries with infrared, non-contact temperature measurement, combustion efficiency monitors and environmental pollution emissions detectors. Their products are used extensively in applications as diverse as steel, glass, electronics, mineral processing, power generation, utility and aircraft gas turbines, and a wide range of other industries. Ongoing development creates products for new applications and the continuous improvement of an expanding product range.

  • Steel: The infrared thermometers offer process solutions across more than 50 individual applications, ensuring process efficiency and continue reading >>
  • Aluminium: Including a wide range of stable, rapid response and reliable application-specific instruments designed to the highest standards continue reading >>
  • Speciality Metals: Products that you need for precise temperature measurements during speciality metal production, including solutions for copper and platinum refining continue reading >>
  • Calibration: The blackbody calibration sources provide a high-precision calibration of radiation thermometers, on-site and under laboratory conditions continue reading >>
  • Glass: Land has developed a range of instruments specifically designed to meet the challenges of glass production continue reading >>
  • Hydrocarbon Processing (HPI): Built to the highest standards of quality and reliability, their HPI measurement solutions are designed to operate in industrial conditions, delivering the accuracy you need to control your process continue reading >>
  • Industrial Processing: Used extensively in a range of industrial processes including paper, plastics, ceramics and non-wovens, Land's accurate online and portable thermometers, linescanners and thermal imagers support your applications continue reading >>
  • Minerals: Land supplies high-precision, reliable non-contact temperature measurement instruments specifically designed for mineral industry applications, including cement and roadstone production continue reading >>
  • Power Generation: With a range of detection options for every stage of the combustion process, Land's products guard against spontaneous fires. They also provide solutions for continuous emissions monitoring and plant condition monitoring continue reading >>

A range of stand alone thermometers answering the needs of OEM's, plant designers and process operators for a rugged, low cost temperature sensor which will integrate directly into a 4 to 20mA measuring, monitoring or control loop.

Key Features

  • Range of standard through-the-lens sighting thermometers.
  • Range of fibroptic thermometers with optional laser targeting system.
  • Comprehensive range of thermometer mountings and accessories for complete environmental protection.
  • DIN-rail mounted power supply unit - DPU (optional).
  • LANDMARK Indicator LMi - digital panel meter (optional).


The UNO range of thermometers is designed to satisfy all OEM requirements and has a wide selection of infrared radiation thermometers available.

Each series of thermometers offers a choice of built-in time functions - peak picker or averager; and a range of temperature spans and operating wavebands to ensure optimum accuracy of measurement for the chosen industry and application.

The standard range of UNO thermometers feature precision through-the-lens sighting with focusable optics, which guarantees exact viewing and measurement of the smallest of target areas.

Adjustable emissivity/non-greyness compensation, peak picker and averager time functions are built-in as standard.

The thermometer provides a 4 to 20 mA linear output. Thermometer type, temperature range, spectral response and optical characteristics are chosen to suit the particular application.

Radiation Thermometers

The thermometers utilize proven reliable electronics combined with a high quality optical system to provide accurate, dependable temperature measurement.

They are housed in a rugged die cast body with a high quality electrical connector to provide reliable performance.

The single wavelength and ratio thermometers all feature throughthe-lens sighting with a 6° field of view. Adjustable focus with a circular graticule gives precise alignment on to the smallest of targets.

Two optical variants are available: Standard and Short-focus. Close focus lenses are also available permitting measurement of targets as small as 0.45mm/0.017in. Ask for separate leaflet for full information.

Fibroptic Thermometers

Fibroptic thermometers utilize a flexible fibre optics light guide enabling the detector and electronics enclosure to be located in a less hostile environment.

The fibroptic thermometers are available with an optional built-in laser targeting system which defines the target spot for accurate sighting.

The use of fibre optics permits viewing of normally inaccessible targets, where there are high magnetic fields or in high ambient temperatures up to 200°C/400°F without cooling of the optic head. There is a choice of three optic heads and three light guide lengths.

Peak Picker

The peak picker function is used when measuring the temperature of intermittent targets or where the hot target surface is obscured by cool areas such as scale on rolled steel.  The peak picker decay rate is adjustable from 1.5 to 30% of span per second.

The peak picker function can be reset from a remote switch connected to the DPU.


The averager function is used to smooth unwanted variations or rapidly fluctuating changes in the thermometer signal to maintain a valid temperature reading.

The averager time constant can be adjusted from 5ms (U1 and U2 thermometers) to 5 seconds to give a smooth temperature display.