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Procon PT16DI - 16 Digital Input Module (TCP)

The PT16DI module is a 16 channel digital input module. The inputs are isolated from the logic by bi-directional opto-couplers. The inputs are divided into 2 isolated groups of 8 inputs each. This allows for many configurations in which the input module may be used.
Part Number: PT16DI
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$276.00 ex GST
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The PT16DI module is a 16 channel digital input module. The inputs are isolated from the logic by bi-directional opto-couplers. The inputs are divided into 2 isolated groups of 8 inputs each. This allows for many configurations in which the input module may be used. One such configuration could be where one group is connected as common positive and the second group connected as common negative.

The counters operate in three modes.

  • In mode 0: All the counters are disabled.
  • In mode 1: The counters are 32 bit counters allowing a count value from 0 to 4294967295. The count value can be cleared by writing a zero to the associated registers or preset to any other value using the same method.
  • In mode 2: The inputs are connected as up/down counters. Input 1 will increment counter 1 whilst input 2 decrements counter1. In the same way, inputs 3&4 operate counter 2, inputs 5&6 operate counter 3 and inputs 7&8 operate counter 4,etc.

Note: The count values are not battery backed-up and will be lost if power is turned off.


PROMUX TCP is an innovative modular I/O system which provides a simple solution for distributed I/O requirements.

The PROMUX TCP system consists of stand-alone Digital and Analog Input and Output modules which are connected together on an ETHERNET 10/100Base-T network using the MODBUS TCP protocol.

The PROMUX TCP modules also have built in web servers. This enables configuration and diagnostic data to be accessed via a standard web browser.

All PROMUX TCP modules plug directly onto an industry standard DIN rail. All modules have isolation between the field and logic.

Technical Information

Digital Inputs 16
Digital Counters 16
Counter Resolution 32 Bit
Counter frequency 1 KHz (max)
Pulse width 500uSec (min)
Counter Mode UP or UP/DOWN
Digital input 0 level 0 to +6.5Vdc
Digital input 1 level +12Vdc to +24Vdc
Input Impedance 2200 ohms
Input filter 6553 msec. (max)
Isolation (Field & Logic) 1500 V RMS
Status Indication LED per channel

The PT16DI module is a 16 channel digital input module. The inputs are isolated from the logic by bi-directional opto-couplers. The inputs are divided into 2 isolated groups of 8 inputs each. This allows for many configurations in which the input module may be used. One such configuration could be where one group is connected as common positive and the second group connected as common negative.

The counters operate in three modes.

  • In mode 0: All the counters are disabled.
  • In mode 1: The counters are 32 bit counters allowing a count value from 0 to 4294967295. The count value can be cleared by writing a zero to the associated registers or preset to any other value using the same method.
  • In mode 2: The inputs are connected as up/down counters. Input 1 will increment counter 1 whilst input 2 decrements counter1. In the same way, inputs 3&4 operate counter 2, inputs 5&6 operate counter 3 and inputs 7&8 operate counter 4,etc.

Note: The count values are not battery backed-up and will be lost if power is turned off.


PROMUX TCP is an innovative modular I/O system which provides a simple solution for distributed I/O requirements.

The PROMUX TCP system consists of stand-alone Digital and Analog Input and Output modules which are connected together on an ETHERNET 10/100Base-T network using the MODBUS TCP protocol.

The PROMUX TCP modules also have built in web servers. This enables configuration and diagnostic data to be accessed via a standard web browser.

All PROMUX TCP modules plug directly onto an industry standard DIN rail. All modules have isolation between the field and logic.