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Procon PT8DIO - 8 Digital Input/Output Module (TCP)

The PT8DIO module is an 8 channel digital input and 8 channel digital output module.
Part Number: PT8DIO
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$282.00 ex GST
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The PT8DIO module is an 8 channel digital input and 8 channel digital output module.

The inputs are isolated from the logic by bi-directional opto-couplers. The common is connected internally to either the -volts or +volts field power supply terminals using a jumper link which is situated inside the housing.

The inputs have internal counters associated with them. These counters are 32 bit counters allowing a count value from 0 to 4294967295. The count value can be cleared by writing a zero to the associated registers or preset to any other value using the same method.

Note: The count values are not battery backed-up and will be lost if power is turned off.


PROMUX TCP is an innovative modular I/O system which provides a simple solution for distributed I/O requirements.

The PROMUX TCP system consists of stand-alone Digital and Analog Input and Output modules which are connected together on an ETHERNET 10/100Base-T network using the MODBUS TCP protocol.

The PROMUX TCP modules also have built in web servers. This enables configuration and diagnostic data to be accessed via a standard web browser.

All PROMUX TCP modules plug directly onto an industry standard DIN rail. All modules have isolation between the field and logic.

Technical Information

Digital Inputs 8
Digital Counters 8
Counter Resolution 32 Bit
Counter frequency 1 KHz (max)
Pulse width 500usec (min)
Counter Mode UP or UP/DOWN
Digital input 0 level 0 to +6.5Vdc
Digital input 1 level +12Vdc to +24Vdc
Input Impedance 2200 ohms
Input filter Max 6553 msec.
Status Indication – inputs LED per channel
Digital Outputs 8
Type NPN Open collector
Max Load Current 100mA per channel
Max load Voltage 36Vdc
Vce (on) Voltage 1.1V (max)
Watch dog output timer Disable or 1-255 sec adjustable
Isolation (Field & Logic) 1500 V RMS
Status Indication – outputs LED per channel
Power supply (Field) +12Vdc to +24Vdc

The PT8DIO module is an 8 channel digital input and 8 channel digital output module.

The inputs are isolated from the logic by bi-directional opto-couplers. The common is connected internally to either the -volts or +volts field power supply terminals using a jumper link which is situated inside the housing.

The inputs have internal counters associated with them. These counters are 32 bit counters allowing a count value from 0 to 4294967295. The count value can be cleared by writing a zero to the associated registers or preset to any other value using the same method.

Note: The count values are not battery backed-up and will be lost if power is turned off.


PROMUX TCP is an innovative modular I/O system which provides a simple solution for distributed I/O requirements.

The PROMUX TCP system consists of stand-alone Digital and Analog Input and Output modules which are connected together on an ETHERNET 10/100Base-T network using the MODBUS TCP protocol.

The PROMUX TCP modules also have built in web servers. This enables configuration and diagnostic data to be accessed via a standard web browser.

All PROMUX TCP modules plug directly onto an industry standard DIN rail. All modules have isolation between the field and logic.