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HOBO - Replacement DO Sensor Cap

Replaces the original DO sensor cap that’s included with the HOBO DO Data Logger.
Part Number: U26-RDOB-1
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$329.00 ex GST
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Replaces the original DO sensor cap that’s included with the HOBO DO Data Logger. Replaces the original DO sensor cap that's included with the HOBO DO Data Logger. The DO sensor caps have a planned 6-month deployment life (the caps expire seven months after initialization to allow some time before and after the deployment.) The cap's shelf life expires two years from its date of manufacture. (An install-by date on the canisters the caps are packaged in ensures the full 6-month cap life before the 2-year expiration)

Important information: The caps have a 2-year shelf-life from the date they were manufactured. (Shelf-life shown on the canisters the caps come in.)

Replaces the original DO sensor cap that’s included with the HOBO DO Data Logger. Replaces the original DO sensor cap that's included with the HOBO DO Data Logger. The DO sensor caps have a planned 6-month deployment life (the caps expire seven months after initialization to allow some time before and after the deployment.) The cap's shelf life expires two years from its date of manufacture. (An install-by date on the canisters the caps are packaged in ensures the full 6-month cap life before the 2-year expiration)

Important information: The caps have a 2-year shelf-life from the date they were manufactured. (Shelf-life shown on the canisters the caps come in.)

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