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Lowell TCM-5 - Very Deep Water Tilt Current Meter

The TCM-5 is a current meter that is designed to operate in the Abyssopelagic and Hadalpelagic Zones to a maximum depth of 10,000 meters.
Part Number: TCM-5
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The TCM-5 is a current meter that is designed to operate in the Abyssopelagic and Hadalpelagic Zones to a maximum depth of 10,000 meters. The TCM-5 is constructed from toughened syntactic foam with a titanium pressure housing and is intended to be deployed on benthic landers or by an ROV.

Similar to the other Lowell Instrument's TCMs. The core of the TCM-5 is the MAT-1 Data Logger. The MAT-1 data logger was designed for NOAA and is ideally suited as the "brains" of a tilt current meter. The built-in data logger includes a USB communication interface, a microSD flash memory card, and a long-life lithium battery.

Key Features & Benefits

  • 10,000 meter depth rating
  • Water velocity for a fraction of the cost of an acoustic meter
  • Tilt compensated compass for bearing measurements
  • Simple & rugged design is easy to deploy from a ROV
  • Internal temperature sensor is accurate to +/-0.1C
  • 8 GB memory card eliminates memory concerns
  • Lithium battery allows continuous 4Hz sampling for more than 1 year
  • USB 2.0 with standard cable and drag and drop data file offload
  • Easy meter configuration and data conversion with Windows® software (free download).


The TCM-5 Tilt Current Meter measures current using the drag-tilt principle. The logger is buoyant and is typically attached to the bottom via a short flexible tether to an anchor. Moving water tilts the logger in the direction of flow. The TCM-5 contains a 3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis magnetometer for measuring tilt and bearing. The resulting orientation data is converted to current by applying calibration coefficients with the included software.


See "TCM-5 Product Data Sheet" for more detailed specifications.

Package ContentsTCM-5 Tilt Current Meter

  • TCM-5 Tilt Current Meter
  • Lithium battery (installed in logger)
  • 8 GB microSD card (installed in data logger)
  • 1 m (3 ft) USB A to micro-B Cable
  • 2 spare set of O-rings, backup rings and lubricant
  • 30 cm (12") lanyard
  • microSD-to-SD card adapter

Where are Lowell products used?

Learn how researchers are using our instruments in the field:

Inverted TCMs Under Greenland Ice

Tilt Current Meters were deployed under the sea ice in the Wolstenholme Fjord in Greenland.

Pregnant Shark Habitats in South Africa

Sharklife researchers are using Tilt Current Meters to study temperature and current where sharks congregate during their gestation period.

Cenotes in the Yucatan Penninsula, Mexico

Cave diving scientists discover methane and other dissolved organic carbon form the foundation of an underwater food web.

Costa Rica Margin Expedition

WHOI's Alvin submersible deployed several tilt current meters to aid in the study of methane seeps in the ocean floor.

Read more application stories here >>

The above link will take you to Lowell's website to read further details on applications

Lowell data loggers and current meters require software for communicating with and converting the data from their hardware. There are currently two versions available for download:


Domino, our newest software, is recommended for operation of all TCM and MAT data loggers from Lowell Instruments LLC.

  • Domino is faster and more capable than our legacy software (MAT Logger Commander).
  • Domino is open source so as to maximize transparency and encourage collaboration.
  • Domino is compatible with both Windows 10 and Mac OS (Beta Test).
  • Domino has replaced MAT Logger Commander. Click below to download it.


MAT Logger Commander

MAT Logger Commander is our legacy software and is no longer recommended for use by new users.  We will continue to support it into 2021 for existing users.


Technical Information





Speed (Recommended Range) 0-50 cm/s 3 cm/s + 3% of reading 0.1 cm/s
Speed (Maximum Range) 0-75 cm/s Not Specified 0.1 cm/s
Direction 0-360° 5° (for speed >5 cm/s) 0.1°
Temperature -5 to 30 °C 0.1 °C <0.005 °C
-20 to -5, 30 to 50°C 0.2 °C <0.01 °C


Memory 8 GB microSDHC flash card (standard)
Communications Full speed USB micro-B port
Battery Type 3.6 V, size “A”, user replaceable lithium (from Lowell Instruments)
Battery Life Months to years depending on recording rates
Internal Clock < 1 minute per month

Operating Modes

Start and Stop Start and Stop at user defined times
Burst Mode Variable rate logging at user defined interval
Recording Mode Current: 64 Hz to 1 sample per hour
Temperature: 1 Hz to 1 sample per hour


Depth Rating 10,000 m, housing tested to 13700m
Dimensions Flotation Diameter: 5.08 cm (2.00”)
Pressure Housing Diameter: 2.54 cm (1.00”)
Overall Length: 109 cm (43”)
Floatation Length: 91.4 cm (36.0”)


1.86 Kg (4.09 lb)
Construction Flotation: Toughened Syntactic Foam
Pressure Housing: Titanium TI-6AL-4V
Double Buna O-ring seal with backup rings


User Interface Windows® Compatible Software Download
USB USB 2.0 compliant MSC and CDC Classes
Firmware Field upgradable via USB cable

The TCM-5 is a current meter that is designed to operate in the Abyssopelagic and Hadalpelagic Zones to a maximum depth of 10,000 meters. The TCM-5 is constructed from toughened syntactic foam with a titanium pressure housing and is intended to be deployed on benthic landers or by an ROV.

Similar to the other Lowell Instrument's TCMs. The core of the TCM-5 is the MAT-1 Data Logger. The MAT-1 data logger was designed for NOAA and is ideally suited as the "brains" of a tilt current meter. The built-in data logger includes a USB communication interface, a microSD flash memory card, and a long-life lithium battery.

Key Features & Benefits

  • 10,000 meter depth rating
  • Water velocity for a fraction of the cost of an acoustic meter
  • Tilt compensated compass for bearing measurements
  • Simple & rugged design is easy to deploy from a ROV
  • Internal temperature sensor is accurate to +/-0.1C
  • 8 GB memory card eliminates memory concerns
  • Lithium battery allows continuous 4Hz sampling for more than 1 year
  • USB 2.0 with standard cable and drag and drop data file offload
  • Easy meter configuration and data conversion with Windows® software (free download).


The TCM-5 Tilt Current Meter measures current using the drag-tilt principle. The logger is buoyant and is typically attached to the bottom via a short flexible tether to an anchor. Moving water tilts the logger in the direction of flow. The TCM-5 contains a 3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis magnetometer for measuring tilt and bearing. The resulting orientation data is converted to current by applying calibration coefficients with the included software.


See "TCM-5 Product Data Sheet" for more detailed specifications.

Package ContentsTCM-5 Tilt Current Meter

  • TCM-5 Tilt Current Meter
  • Lithium battery (installed in logger)
  • 8 GB microSD card (installed in data logger)
  • 1 m (3 ft) USB A to micro-B Cable
  • 2 spare set of O-rings, backup rings and lubricant
  • 30 cm (12") lanyard
  • microSD-to-SD card adapter