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Agriculture Monitoring Systems

You know what to do when it comes to farming… let HOBO monitoring products help you know when to do it!

Onset’s HOBO monitoring products, including systems that give you the freedom to monitor soil, water, wind conditions and so much more, from home, or from anywhere at all, at any time!

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HOBO MicroRX Station

The compact and rugged HOBO MicroRX Station is an easy-to-deploy, low-cost cellular solution for long-term, reliable field monitoring.
from $1,765.00 (ex gst)

HOBO RX3000 - Outdoor Remote Monitoring Station

The HOBO RX3000 is Onset’s next-generation remote data logging station that provides instant access to site-specific environmental data anywhere, anytime via the internet.
$0.00 (ex gst)

pH Monitoring & Control Kit

The pHionics D-pHi sensor series combined with eze System's monitoring and control solution provides a comprehensive solution for pH and ORP water process monitoring and control with 24/7 access via ezeio cloud software.
$0.00 (ex gst)

Wastewater Monitoring & Control Kit

Achieve precise water quality assessment with our superior Wastewater Monitoring Kit. Engineered to accurately measure essential parameters like pH, ORP, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity. It features robust sensors, versatile hardware, and user-friendly software, offering a comprehensive, cost-effective solution for factories and the food industry.
$0.00 (ex gst)

Water Quality Kit

Monitor water temperature, pH levels, dissolved oxygen, ORP or conductivity with ease!
$0.00 (ex gst)

HOBO USB Micro Station - Data Logger

HOBO USB Micro Station is a weatherproof data logger for multi-channel monitoring of microclimates and accepts up to five plug-and-play Smart Sensors
$598.00 (ex gst)

ezeio mkII - IIoT Monitoring and Control System

Monitor, control, automate and consolidate any type of remote industrial devices, equipment & systems. From connecting sensors to automating applications.
$1,523.00 (ex gst)

HOBO MicroRX Water Level / Flow Kit

The HOBO MicroRX Water Level Station is a cellular, web-enabled water level monitoring solution for stormwater, floodwater, irrigation, hydrologic, and environmental applications
$0.00 (ex gst)

HOBO Water Flow Meters Kit

The new HOBO Remote Flow Meter Monitoring Station is an easy to deploy, low-cost cellular solution, allowing you to reliably monitor and alarm your remote water flow meter.
$0.00 (ex gst)

HOBO Remote Tank Water Level Kit

The HOBO MicroRX Water Level Station is a 4G, web-enabled water level monitoring solution which is ideal for keeping track of Tank, Dam and Bore levels.
$0.00 (ex gst)

HOBOnet Wireless Soil Moisture Kit

A research-grade wireless monitoring system for accurate measurement of Moisture and Temperature in soil, with the option to also measure Electrical Conductivity and Water Potential.
$0.00 (ex gst)

HOBO Frost Alarm Kit

The HOBO Frost Alarm System provides an ideal platform for growers looking to reduce irrigation cost, and automate irrigation during frost events.
$0.00 (ex gst)

HOBO Advanced Weather Station Kit

With the HOBO Advanced Weather Station Kit you get high-quality components in a weather station that will stand the test of time.
$0.00 (ex gst)

HOBO Weather Station Kit

The HOBO Weather Station Kit is web-based, accurate and stands the test of time. Ideal for farming and Agricultural research.
$0.00 (ex gst)

OneTemp Advanced Compost Monitoring & Hot Spot Detection Kit

Keep your compost temperatures and hot spots monitored and under control with our wireless solutions. Our innovative technology enables reliable measurement, recording, and alarming so you can ensure optimal conditions are maintained to minimise risks.
$0.00 (ex gst)

HOBO MX2301A - Temperature/RH Bluetooth Data Logger

The HOBO MX2301A is a weatherproof data logger with built-in temperature and relative humidity sensors. Leveraging Bluetooth Low Energy, the logger enables easy, fast set up and data download directly from your mobile device
$427.00 (ex gst)

HOBO MX2302A - External Temperature/RH Sensor Bluetooth Data Logger

The HOBO MX2302A is a weatherproof data logger with External temperature and relative humidity sensors. Leveraging Bluetooth Low Energy, the logger enables easy, fast set up and data download directly from your mobile device
$504.00 (ex gst)

HOBO MX2303 - Two External Temperature Sensors Bluetooth Data Logger

The HOBO MX2303 is a weatherproof data logger with two External temperature sensors. Leveraging Bluetooth Low Energy, the logger enables easy, fast set up and data download directly from your mobile device
$504.00 (ex gst)

HOBO MX2304 - External Temperature Sensor Bluetooth Data Logger

The HOBO MX2304 is a weatherproof data logger with One External temperature sensors. Leveraging Bluetooth Low Energy, the logger enables easy, fast set up and data download directly from your mobile device
$375.00 (ex gst)

HOBO MX2305 - Temperature Bluetooth Data Logger

The HOBO MX2305 is a weatherproof data logger with One internal temperature sensor. Leveraging Bluetooth Low Energy, the logger enables easy, fast set up and data download directly from your mobile device
$279.00 (ex gst)

HOBO MX2306 - Soil Moisture Bluetooth Data Logger

HOBO MX2306 is a low-cost, fully integrated soil moisture loggers with convenient Bluetooth wireless data offload.
$1,186.00 (ex gst)

HOBO MX2307 - Soil Moisture & Temperature Bluetooth Data Logger

HOBO MX2307 is a low-cost, fully integrated soil moisture and temperature loggers with convenient Bluetooth wireless data offload.
$1,186.00 (ex gst)

HOBO MX2001 - Water Level Bluetooth Data Logger

The HOBO® MX2001 is the industry’s first water level data logger designed for convenient wireless setup and download from mobile devices via Bluetooth Low Energy.
$0.00 (ex gst)

Low Cost 7 Inch Colour Wireless Weather Station

A high grade weather station coupled with a wireless 7 colour LCD and Wi-Fi Connectivity for uploading data to the web.
$299.00 (ex gst)

Milesight WTS - Wireless Weather Stations

Specially designed for continuous weather monitoring, Milesight IoT Weather Station (WTS Series) is an ultimate all-in-one weather monitoring system with WTS Sensors, WTS Hub, and solar panel for various environmental conditions.
from $1,969.00 (ex gst)
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