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Tempsens Calsys -15/110 - Peltier Based Temperature Calibrator -15 to 110°C

CALsys -15/110 offers a medium temperature range from -15°C to 110°C. It is a highly stable standard temperature source for calibrating RTD's and Thermocouples.
Part Number: CALsys -15/110
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$5,231.00 ex GST
i h
Delivery date: 4-6 weeks


CALsys -15/110 offers a medium temperature range from -15°C to 110°C. It is a highly stable standard temperature source for calibrating RTD's and Thermocouples.

It has peltier elements to generate stable temperature in the well. The comparison volume is a metallic block of aluminium, which has a diameter of 24mm and 120mm length.

Temperature Range: -15 to 110°C

Stability: ±0.03°C at -15°C, ±0.05°C at 0°C, ±0.07°C at 110°C

Uniformity: ±0.05°C at -15°C, ±0.07°C at 0°C, ±0.09°C at 110°C


  • High Stability
  • Portability
  • PC Interfacing
  • Simple to use and cost-effective
Temp Range -15 to 110°C
Stability ±0.03°C at -15°C
±0.05°C at 0°C
±0.07°C at 110°C
Uniformity ±0.05°C at -15°C
±0.07°C at 0°C
±0.09°C at 110°C
Temperature Resolution 0.1°C
Time to Reach Min. Temp 25 Mins
Controlling Sensor Precision PRT
Insert Construction Dia 24x120 mm long, 3x6 mm hole with 115mm insertion depth
Method of control Digital self tuned PID Controller
Computer Interface RS - 232
Operating Temperature 20 to 25°C
Power Requirement 230 VAC, 500W
Dimensions 380(H) x 170(W) x 188(D) mm
Instrument Weight 60 Kg


CALsys -15/110 offers a medium temperature range from -15°C to 110°C. It is a highly stable standard temperature source for calibrating RTD's and Thermocouples.

It has peltier elements to generate stable temperature in the well. The comparison volume is a metallic block of aluminium, which has a diameter of 24mm and 120mm length.

Temperature Range: -15 to 110°C

Stability: ±0.03°C at -15°C, ±0.05°C at 0°C, ±0.07°C at 110°C

Uniformity: ±0.05°C at -15°C, ±0.07°C at 0°C, ±0.09°C at 110°C


  • High Stability
  • Portability
  • PC Interfacing
  • Simple to use and cost-effective