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Sensor with 4-20mA loop powered transmitter and display

The SEM710 is a new generation head mounted temperature transmitter with a built in temperature display. Ideal for indicating the process value at the point of measurement.
Part Number: Status LED Transmitter
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The SEM710 is  a new generation head mounted temperature transmitter with a built in temperature display. Ideal for indicating the process value at the point of measurement.

Its universal input has been designed to accept most common RTD and thermocouple sensor inputs and provide the user with a standard two wire (4 to 20) mA output signal. Isolation is provided between input and output and all temperature ranges are linear to temperature. The addition of a display provides the user with instant information of the loop condition at the point of measurement. It comes in either our SCH4 ABS plastic connector head or our new SCH15 Stainless steel connector head. Both of which are available in snenor or wall mount versions.

Designed for ease of use, our latest USB interface is fitted for quick and easy configuration. Just connect a standard USB cable between the SEM710 and your PC. Using our free configuration software, your PC will automatically upload the existing configuration data and guide you through any changes you wish to make. To further help save time, the SEM710 does not need to be wired to a power supply during the configuration process, it is powered via the USB interface from your PC.


  • Pt100 or Thermocouple Input
  • Isolated
  • 4 Digit LED Display
  • Housing ABS plastic or stainless steel



(Note 1)
K (-200 to 1370) °C
J (-100 to 1200) °C
E (-100 to 1000) °C
N (-180 to 1300) °C
T (-100 to 400) °C
R(-10 to 1760) °C ± 0.5 °C ±0.1 % of FSR 
(Note 2)
0.1 % of FSR ±0.5 °C
(type T 0.2 % FSR. ± 0.5 °C)
S (-10 to 1760) °C ± 0.5 °C ±0.1 % of FSR 
(Note 2)

(Note 6)

(Note 3)
(Note 4)
± 0.01 % of FSR / °C Yes - 1 MΩ
(-200 to 850) °C ± 0.1 °C / ±0.05 % of rdg ± 0.005 % of FSR / °C
No <450 uA

Key Rdg = Reading ; FSR = Full Scale Range ; O/C = programmable open circuit sensor detect; CJ = Cold junction error

Notes 1. Accuracy for PT100 and T/C do not include sensor and cold junction errors.
2. Only over the range (800 to 1600) °C
3. Cold junction range (-20 to 70) °C, Accuracy ± 0.5 °C , Tracking ± 0.05 °C
4. PT100 input Maximum lead resistance 20 R, Lead effect 0.015 °C / Ω.
5. Impedance – not including 0.2 uA open circuit detect bias current effect.
6. Ambient (-10 to 50) °C


Type Two wire current sink; signal range (4 to 20) mA; full range (3.8 to 24) mA
Supply (15 to 30) V dc , 24 V nominal giving Max loop load of 450 R @ 24 V
Response time < 500 ms to reach 95 % of final value ; Start up time < 3 s
Calibration Accuracy ± 5 uA
Loop Effects Loop ripple 0.03 % of FSR; Supply sensitivity 0.05 uA / °C ; supply ripple rejection < ± 5 uA error @ 1 V
rms 50 Hz ripple
Protection Reverse connection and over-voltage protection. Max over voltage current 100 mA.
User Trim Raise and lower buttons, active for offset when output is between (3.8 to 6) mA, Span between (18 to 22)
mA. Trim lock option.
Stability ± 5 uA / °C.


Isolation Input to output tested at 500 V dc.
Ambient operating (-40 to 85) °C (10 to 95) % RH non condensing. Storage (-40 to 85) °C
Approvals CE tested to BS EN 61326
Protection IP67 when used with SCH4 head
Display 4 Digit seven segment Red LED Height 7.3 mm
Display Resolution 0.1 °C , 0.1°F, or 0.00 mA
Display Errors
Err (sensor error) ; Flash OUER (over range) Flash UNDR ( under range)

(Note 5)

The SEM710 is  a new generation head mounted temperature transmitter with a built in temperature display. Ideal for indicating the process value at the point of measurement.

Its universal input has been designed to accept most common RTD and thermocouple sensor inputs and provide the user with a standard two wire (4 to 20) mA output signal. Isolation is provided between input and output and all temperature ranges are linear to temperature. The addition of a display provides the user with instant information of the loop condition at the point of measurement. It comes in either our SCH4 ABS plastic connector head or our new SCH15 Stainless steel connector head. Both of which are available in snenor or wall mount versions.

Designed for ease of use, our latest USB interface is fitted for quick and easy configuration. Just connect a standard USB cable between the SEM710 and your PC. Using our free configuration software, your PC will automatically upload the existing configuration data and guide you through any changes you wish to make. To further help save time, the SEM710 does not need to be wired to a power supply during the configuration process, it is powered via the USB interface from your PC.


  • Pt100 or Thermocouple Input
  • Isolated
  • 4 Digit LED Display
  • Housing ABS plastic or stainless steel