Automate & Control your air flow monitoring process with Ezeio!
The CS VD 500 Air Flow Monitoring and EZEio System is the perfect all in one solution to ensure the reliability of your compressor and air consumption!
Simple Modbus Connectivity
Installing the device is simple and straightforward - no need to worry about complex wiring! The VD 500 integrates directly with the EZEio hardware via modbus for accurate reporting and control capabilities. Simply select the preset CS Instruments model in the setup process to gain instant connectivity!
Discover the Ezeio MKII Difference >>
Precise Air flow monitoring with remote control capabilities
Make the most cost-efficient decisions by gaining real-time insight into your compressor performance with Ezeio MKII's cloud monitoring software - and customise powerful dashboards, reports, triggers & control settings remotely anytime, from anywhere.
Learn more on eze systems cloud reporting software >>
Benefits at a Glance
- Simple connectivity with Ezeio Modbus presets
- Easy installation – no complex wiring!
- Real-time insight into compressor performance with Ezeio MKII's cloud monitoring software
- Customisable dashboards, reports, triggers & control settings remotely anytime, from anywhere