Additel 209 & 210 - Series Loop Calibrator
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The new Additel 209 and 210 loop calibrator series combine ease of use and functionality, making them the ideal tools to troubleshoot your process loop. The ADT209 has an accuracy of 0.03% of reading whereas the ADT210 holds an accuracy of 0.01% of reading. If you want to source, simulate or simply measure the Additel Loop calibrator series will fit your need. The ADT209 and ADT210 allow for measurement of current, voltage and a switch. You can also simulate or source mA or a process transmitter. With a push of a button, you can switch to zero and span values, auto ramp, and auto step throughout the range. Each loop calibrator has a large, easy to read screen which simultaneously displays the measurement with the % of span.
The Additel LINK Mobile App is an all-in-one calibration toolkit in your pocket! With features like remote control operation, data recording and monitoring, and a full calibration toolkit, this app is a must-have for any calibration technician!
Additel Link is a control utility designed to allow you to remote control and view the state of your Additel products.
This software will make it easy to control your dry well units. The added productivity will help free up your time, and allow you to get more work done. This app is free, and can help you with your transmitter calibrations with it's easy to use reference and control panel. It'll also help you monitor the calibrator when you're away.
11MΩ input resistance2Loop transmitter current measure: 700Ω maximum