Display unit/controller for digital sensors with Modbus protocol
The device has 1 digital interface, 1 analogue temperature input, and 1 binary interface. The digital interface is suitable for connecting sensors with a Modbus RS485 interface. If the connected sensor does not have an integrated temperature sensor, an RTD temperature probe Pt100, Pt1000, or NTC/PTC (up to 4 kΩ) can be connected to the analog temperature input. The voltage supply for the digital sensor is integrated into the device.
The LCD graphic display allows input signals to be displayed as digits or as a bar graph. Displaying parameters in plain text ensures that operation is easily understandable and safe. Two optional relay changeover contacts are used to implement simple switching or alarm functions as well as demanding control tasks with P, PI, PD, and PID behavior. Upon request, the device can also be supplied with 2 analog outputs (0 to 10 V or 0(4) to 20 mA) that can be freely parameterized and scaled.
The device is suitable for tasks such as display, measurement, and control of:
- Dissolved oxygen in conjunction with sensors acc. to data sheet 202614 and 202613
- Free Chlorine in conjunction with sensors acc. to data sheet 202630
- Total Chlorine in conjunction with sensors acc. to data sheet 202631
- Chlorine Dioxide and Ozone in conjunction with sensors acc. to data sheet 202634
- Hydrogen Peroxide and Peracetic Acid in conjunction with sensors acc. to data sheet 202636
- Bromine in conjunction with sensors acc. to data sheet 202637
- Turbidity in conjunction with sensors acc. to data sheet 202670
- Display: mg/l, ppm, % SAT, %, ‰, g/l, ppb, μg/l, NTU, FNU, etc. Others possible with use of the setup program
- Large LCD graphic display with backlight
- Display can be selected: large digits, bar graph, or trend display
- Integrated calibration routines: depending on sensor: zero point, end value, and 2-point
- Calib. logfile
- Protection type IP67 for surface mounting Protection type IP65 for control cabinet mounting
- User languages (possible to switch): English, French, German
- Setup program (optional) allows easy programming, plant documentation, and download of additional user languages